Blog Update – Refresh Your [blog]Reader

15 Mon, 2011 § 4 Comments

You can find me posting at Colour Me Happy now.

Refresh your readers. 🙂


Like most people, I can get fixated on the destination or long-term pursuit: I want toner arms now; I want to climb a (Flagstaff) V5 now; I want a perfect forward fold now…  You get this, don’t you?  “I want [[fill in the blank]] now.”  I don’t know if it’s innately human or a product of social conditioning, but we are a society of instant gratification.  We like goals, but sometimes it’s difficult to see progress as it happens when our “want” looms just ahead.  Not only is it difficult to see the progress being made, but it can even be hard to give ourselves credit or acknowledge seemingly small growth — expecting ourselves to be “perfect” first.  I feel this way, even when blogging, which is just supposed to be a fun outlet.

A few weeks ago, I took a workshop focusing on basic HTML coding.  I loved this & have had so much fun playing with it.  Elise Blaha’s workshop was based on Typepad, so I decided I would “build” a blog there & transition over to it.  As much as I’ve enjoyed playing with HTML, playing in real life has been more of a priority; so the new blog is no where near where I want it yet.  Sometimes I feel that need to be or have things perfect before giving myself props or feeling qualified to share it with others.  But life is about the process, right?  We should allow ourselves to not only recognize it but praise ourselves along the journey — focus on the direction rather than some future destination.

So even though it’s “under construction”, I’ll give you a glimpse — or maybe I’ll just take the leap.

I have struggled with finding the flow of my blog (in many aspects!); I tend to let myself get pulled in multiple directions.  Colour Me Happy is where I will finally let myself escape the need to fit a niche & embrace/share the layers of my life: photography, the day-to-day, “nesting” posts, diy & travel, etc.  That being said, I am going to try using a separate space for my more “fitness”-based interests, such as climbing, training, injury prevention, anatomy, & eventually rehabilitative care.  It is not so much that I don’t think it “fits” with the rest, but it seems some of you are more interested in just talking shop, so you can subscribe or update your reader with my IDEAL FORM blog only if that is the case.  If not, I will still have a link to these posts on my main page. (I will include it soon.)

I am also a little attached to some of my older fitness posts, so I’m taking them with me.  I will be re-posting these, interspersed between new ideas & posts.  Maybe you missed these the first time around or will get something from revisiting — I am.  It is a great reminder to see how far I have come OR if I have let perpetual, unhealthy habits right back in.  It has been good for me to see these again, so I hope you gain something as well.  First up is my premiere into the blogging world & how I was dealing with a specific insecurity.


In a nutshell,

fitness only: go here.

for everything else: go here.

I still can’t believe people actually visit my pages.  It’s obvious I’m not the most dedicated or consistent blogger.  I found I enjoy posting most when I’m inspired, & I guess I’m not inspired every day or on a regular schedule.  The best way to keep up with me is to subscribe or just add Colour Me Happy to your Reader.  I don’t block my posts, so you should be able to read straight from your email if that’s your thing.

So…I’m just going to leap…& try not to make excuses…because maybe you’ll enjoy the ride with me & like seeing the changes as they happen. So don’t come here for new posts — I’m just going to do it — I’ll be at Colour Me Happy (as well as Ideal Form).

I’m actually out of town & have some fun road photos to share, so click on the one below to check them out.

July Musings

2 Tue, 2011 § 15 Comments

I like looking back over the month.  It’s interesting how our preferences, favorites & inspirations play out, ebb & flow.

Here is what’s been going on this time around.

~We’ve reinstated an old favorite: weekday date night/family nights.  (I never know what to call them.)  Each week, we alternate whose turn it is to plan; the day often differs.  Whether Dave treats me to the climbing gym, I work on his trigger points, we go on a photo hunt together or play cards, these evenings make me smile & force us to do something different to break up the week’s monotony & potential laziness.

~Rain.  More rain.  It is officially monsoon season.  It rains almost every day, but usually only for a couple hours in the afternoon.  You just get used to it & accept being wet if you want to do something.  Fortunately summer temperatures mean it dries up quickly, & we can still climb.  Oh, my hair has finally accepted it is just going to be an afro for the time being.  Strange to have humidity in AZ.

~I am supposed to be reading The Comedians.  Instead, I’ve been spending time at the library perusing the Netter’s Anatomy reference book.  Nerd!

~Bright colors make me smile.  I’m trying to fill our home (& my nails) with bright, cheerful colors.

~Fashion follows a 20-year cycle.  I am beyond ecstatic our haunt of the 80s should be over any day.  So what’s next?  The 90s…which I’m not that thrilled with BUT it means inspiration will also come from the 70s & 50s.  I’m swooning & also irritated at the whole disco-revolt-movement.  Why did they feel the need to burn so many should-have-been awesome vintage pieces?

~Speaking of, if you have any vintage scarves you want to send my way…I’m bringing this back.  I’ve been doing it lately.  Dave totally digs it.

~I am still too obsessed with Pinterest (obviously) & can get a little out of hand pinning the hours away.  I’m not just pinning though; I’m doing.  I am keeping a short list of diy projects I am currently working on — & actually working on them!  Of course, I made a board to keep track.

~My current favorite recovery smoothie add in: tahini, especially with fresh strawberries.  I have been hit or miss about adding kale (it isn’t always blending smoothly), so I’ve taken to adding a touch of chlorella.  The taste is intense, so I’m starting small (<tsp).  The tahini & strawberries are flavorful enough to cover any hint of sludginess though.  My recommended method of making the smoothie: have your husband do it.  Dave’s smoothies always taste so much better.  He must add love.

~I am infatuated with mini homes.  Super neat.

~Also excited about this.  One simple demand.  I agree.

~Thanks, Dave, for introducing me to Doghouse Diaries; this is a favorite — for all you dog lovers — but there are a lot of laugh-out-loud strips.  Other new reads I’m enjoying: Elise Blaha’s Enjoy It, Dee Construction, Marta Writes & In the Little Red House (which isn’t actually new so much as rediscovered).

~Not to rush fall along, but how perfect is this? (Thanks Aubrey)


What stood out about your July?  Also, what is on your iPod?  August needs some new tunes.


31 Sun, 2011 § 1 Comment

I wanted to do something in Sedona while the guys played a round of golf, but I wasn’t exactly thrilled to do it alone.  It wasn’t far into my hike though before I was embracing the time to be in my own head, tap into some creative energy, or just unplug & take the day in.  Besides, I wasn’t exactly solo; Eisley is my best little company.  I enjoyed the me time so much so, when Dave & Dylan joined us for a more extended hike, I lagged behind.  Ok, so the lagging primarily had to do with my sore (Chaco-rubbed) feet.

I still had fun chasing butterflies though.


I hope you enjoyed my Week in the Life as much as I enjoyed the challenge of doing it.


30 Sat, 2011 § 4 Comments

I forgot to take every day photos on Thursday…until the rainy ride home.

The rest of my night was pretty mellow; I just wanted to enjoy it with Dave & Dylan, our friend who is visiting.

At least I didn’t forget

to make yogurt biscuit & ask Dave to marinate the strawberries.

But then I forgot to post them, & yesterday I had other (outdoor) things on my agenda; so here it is well over a day late.

I think I’m pretty happy with some of Friday’s photos…which I’ll likely post Monday.  There is still the rest of my weekend to be had after all.

Ready?  Unplug on 3.

1  __ 2 __



28 Thu, 2011 § 3 Comments

A Week in the Life.

I have been fighting the blahs recently.  For some reason, the last two Wednesdays have been especially difficult.

But not yesterday.

Bright colors make me happy.

What we surround ourselves with has an amazing impact on our mood, so why not choose things that are bright & cheerful? — this goes for people too.



27 Wed, 2011 § 8 Comments

a week in the life.

here i am.


It has been rainy around here.  Dave’s bike ride into work was pretty wet & dirty.  He said it was awesome.  He had this Simon & Garfunkel song in his head the whole way.  It made my morning when he emailed it to me.  Sometimes we just have to make the most of a rainy day, remember what it’s like to be childlike & see the beauty & fun in the ordinary.  Just smile.

Because there’s nothing else to do but smile.



26 Tue, 2011 § 6 Comments

A Week in the Life.

Like I mentioned, this week I’m trying to take simple everyday photos, accurately depicting our days & lives right now.

Though we have less stuff filling our apartment than most, we still feel the need to reduce further from time to time.  Lately I’ve been consumed with purging, organizing & beautifying our home.  It’s not about going without but truly relishing in what we do have.

*photo taken of a clipping from Sunset Magazine August 2011 issue.


We do relish.

As much as I love being home, enjoying our little nest, experiencing life is life’s meaning.  Sometimes we need stuff  to do the things we love.  I love tackling the boulders with Dave once he’s off work.  It’s great to go out there with no expectations & then surprise yourself.

Yesterday was a good day.



25 Mon, 2011 § 2 Comments

Last week I scored a basketful of vintage maps.


I noticed them sitting on the “free table” in the main entrance of the building where I temp at the university.  I was glowing the rest of the afternoon, which is sort of lame.  I don’t care.  I also dig the wicker pail they came rolled up in.

I’m seeing some fun cartography projects in the near future.

Today, while I’ve been sorting through my new maps, clearing out some clutter & even clipping a couple inspirations from a magazine, Eisley has been my constant shadow.

We are listening to thunder storms in the distance , which stress & freak Eisley out.  She actually jumped in the tub while I was showering today to avoid being even more than a couple feet from me lest the thunder get her.  The pup hates getting wet — usually requiring a little coaxing to get in the bath — but apparently she hates that thunder more.

poor thing.

I sort of want to participate in Ali Edward’s A Week in the Life, so I’m trying to take simple everyday photos, representing exactly what is going on in our lives each day this week — “from the mundane to the profound”.  Though I’m not sure I’ll make a paper album, I’m excited to see if I can pull the images together by other means using text & digital composition…then posting here.

Anyone else want to play?

I’ll post today, tomorrow morning; Tuesday, Wednesday morning; & so on.

p.s.  Did you check out the auction?

The One About My Weight Gain & the “Bulk” Fear of Women vs Weights

15 Fri, 2011 § 12 Comments

Do you have a number?  There is not necessarily a good reason it exists in your mind at all.  It is likely arbitrary, but there it is: the number you envision slim, attractive women weigh.  Or perhaps strong, masculine men, if you are a guy.

I have my own number.  Even now, though I rarely step on the scale & am not even worried about being at this number, it still floats around in my head.  Honestly, I am not sure if I have ever really been at this weight; at times I have been far too under it or uncomfortably over it.

I do not own a scale.  I stopped weighing myself in high school.  Actually, it was in jr. high I learned weight is relative, dependent on muscle gain & such.  I began to gauge my…body composition (though I didn’t know to call it that then)…by how my clothes fit.  Usually I only learn my weight when I visit the doctor’s office.

When I was in Albuquerque in February, I spotted a scale at the gym.  I was curious.  I stepped on.  Honestly, my first thought: “huh, must be muscle gain.”  I weighed a good ten pounds over “my number”.  I had gained a few pounds since my last weigh in.  I was ok with it.

I was feeling my best, my clothes still fit — if anything, they were looser — & I was maxing out on pull ups, chin ups, push ups, etc.  I knew I was strong.  Maybe the scale wasn’t showing my “ideal” weight or even my happiest weight.  This was a temporary price required as my body was subtly changing & becoming stronger.

That moment on the scale, there was no judgment & no criticism.  I was excited to see where my body was taking me; I was enjoying the ride.

[photo by David Finch]

Lifting weights makes women bulky.  At least that is what I hear over & over again.  Many women are terrified of weight training.  They all say the same thing: “my body is different; I bulk up.”  Maybe initially this is true, but even during my weight gain, I wasn’t actually bigger.  I’ll be honest: sometimes I feel like my arms are “bulky”; I want more “tone”.  Dave is often my grounding force to reason, almost rolling his eyes as he assures me they are not bulky.  Maybe as women, we have this I-look-like-a-dude panic whenever we build a little muscle.

If you have more body fat, you might experience initial bulk.  Usually women succumb to the panic & stop all strength training.  DON’T.

You have to push through…because it’s about to get so good.

When you gain muscle, your resting metabolic rate goes up; though by how much is debated [source].  Does it really matter?  Your body is getting stronger & healthier.  If your goal is to slim down, you’ll reach it more quickly by gaining muscle.  Now, my goal isn’t to lose weight but to change my body composition.  I am training to gain strength, & honestly, build lean muscle.  I always think “build lean muscle” sounds kind of weird.  What I’ve really done is build muscle — perhaps even a little “bulk” — & gain strength, then let me body find its balance through all of the other activities I love like climbing, cycling, swimming, interval training, etc.  I’m no expert, but this seems to be working for me.

Curious again, I stepped on the scale at our gym recently.  Without trying, I have lost 6 pounds since Albuquerque.  Because I have added more muscle, definition & strength since then, I know it’s the kind of loss I want.

I do not obsess over the number on the scale, but I don’t mind seeing it go down right now as long as I stay strong & energized.  If I weigh less while maintaining — no, increasing — strength (& stamina), my weight-to-strength ratio will be in my favor.  As a climber, pulling myself up the wall or boulder, this is optimal.

I am trying not to dwell on where I want to be but just embrace the process as it is happening.  I do this by climbing harder & tracking progress in the gym with a workout journal.  Like I said, I’m just enjoying the ride.  Of course I want to be stronger & use my passions to challenge myself & push farther, but I don’t let the little hater inside tell me I am not good enough yet.

I am.  You are too.

If you only take a few things away from here, I hope you’ll believe the following:

  • The ### on the scale is relative.  I weigh more than many of my friends who are similar in size.  Muscle does not weigh more than fat.  A pound of muscle weighs the same as a pound of fat; but a pound of muscle takes up less space.  I won’t be weighing myself regularly.  It works for some people, but I prefer to gauge my progress by how I feel, how my clothes fit & how I perform.
  • Girls have muscles too.  Some might not like the way this looks.  To each his/her own, but I don’t get it.  I love strong women — I love strong people.  Being able to do a pull up or even a push up is empowering.  I would rather be motivated by strong people than torture myself & get sucked into the realm of “thinspiration”.
  • Make it about more than the number.  I know I progress not because the number says so but by my performance.  Am I climbing harder?  Running farther?  Biking faster?  Squeezing out one more rep?  Adding another plate to the rack?  Find something you love, make your body good for something (not just pretty) & treat it like it is.


FEEDBACK!  I want to know what you think about women lifting weights, muscle gain & the scale.  As you can tell, I’m a little passionate about this — I know you are out there, so please share your insights!!!

Just Words – Sort of About Stress & Self Worth

14 Thu, 2011 § 6 Comments

Yesterday, I needed a lot of “me” breaks.

I stayed productive filling out forms for school, researching whether it might be in our favor to move to another apartment later this year, baked yogurt biscuits (from scratch by hand) & even debated over a few job applications; but I also spent the day on the verge of losing it.  Like total meltdown.  I don’t even know how to put into words what I’ve been feeling or maybe I just don’t want to put a voice to it yet.

I could throw myself a pity party, but that isn’t really what I need.  Instead I took some me time throughout the day.  Some of it quiet; some of it intense — not necessarily distractions but specific ways I could focus my energy while clearing my head.  I usually come back with a refreshed perspective in place of the former doom.

So early in the morning, I went for a slow walk with Eisley & my camera.  Walking still means I’m in my head a lot; but once I start playing with the camera, my attention shifts to what I’m seeing & trying to capture rather than the stress in my head.  I really only came back with one image I like.  I might share it tomorrow.

Mid-day, I decided to drop in on a yoga class.  Especially tight muscles meant all of my energy went into breathing & trying to relax into even basic poses.

I was feeling better.  I was coping.  Still, “it” lingered.

Finally, Wednesday evenings mean spinning, which is usually a torturous treat I only look forward to.  Fifteen minutes before class, I was barely coaxing myself out the door, knowing it would only do good even if I didn’t feel up to it.

The substituting instructor destroyed us.  I have never sprinted that many intervals, ever.

In the midst of a truly brutal workout, there is no room to feel sorry for yourself or to call yourself weak or think your are worthless.  You dig, you push & you don’t give up.  You tell yourself you can do anything for 30 seconds, because you are so much stronger than you think you are; & you even have a little more to give & suddenly, you are pedaling even harder.  You feel like vomiting, but instead, you grin, grunt & push.  Drenched & fatigued, you can’t stop smiling all the way home.

Maybe I’m just riding the endorphin high.  The issues are still there, but suddenly I’m that strong, capable person again.  I can take this on, breathe, sort through it, push myself, smile & live each moment.

That’s all we can do anyway, right?